Wednesday, July 13, 2011


 Drums and millet flutes rule
the damp iodized evening spent

beneath palm trees & thatched awnings

Hips in sync with the murmur

of contagious hypnotic tunes     

turning quickly thunderous

Bodies coming together

in a frenzy of sensual jolts

tight sinuous embraces

Pairs of thighs merge indistinguishable

chests inseparable shoeless feet entangled

one candescent respiration & slippery perspiration

One mass of swim shorts and suits

One blend of fabric colors blues yellows

becoming greens over oscillating flesh

& when dawn begins to blink

            & the roosters awake in the distance

& the drums & the songs of flutes fade 

some depart

                 still strangers

others do not

Published by Bad Shoe

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