Monday, June 27, 2011


Asleep at noon
on the sidewalk —
skin and bones in
baggy shorts
baggy t-shirt
and dirt

Under your head,
you clutch a bag
with your belongings —
a tin bowl, tooth-brush
perhaps another shirt

Your sheet, an old plastic sack
that someone used in the past
to carry yuca to the market

The rusted truck cabin,
you used as shelter before,                                     
collected by the city
in a futile effort
to gentrify the area

Exiled to the sidewalks,
you sleep when & where you can
your exhausted mornings
after a night of servicing
truckers at nearby filling stations

By María T. Balogh: published in Spanish by Grafemas

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Will You Feel Safer


If I don’t linger
in your bookstore aisles
flipping pages
or taking extra time
finding the correct
size or color in your
department store
if I don’t feel
the fabric texture
of the pants you sell
forcing you to pretend
to work nearby
neglecting your job
to keep an eye on me

Will you be at ease
if I don’t call your
business phone
and ask you in
accented tongue
to clean my house
to fix my washer
to mow my lawn
to work in my yard
to mend my shoes

Will you be surprised
if I reveal to you
my occupation
if I tell you
of my hobbies
if I am not pushing
a custodian’s cart
or holding a mop
broom or brush
and I am instead
about to lecture
at a science convention

By María T. Balogh --published in Bellerive 2007

Friday, June 17, 2011

Bus Peddlers


They sell you candy
They sell you prayers
            They sell you their sisters

They sell you water in bags
They sell you pastries unwrapped
            They sell you their mothers

They sell you fruit
They sell you songs
They sell you themselves

They sell you anger
            They sell you guilt
They sell you their shame

By María T. Balogh (Spanish version published in Revista Bacanal)


Sunday, June 12, 2011


SUNSHINE DAYDREAM (Delmar Loop, St. Louis MO)

I walk into the store
& wish I’d been born
            a decade earlier


Cat looks down
            at molehill
                        bent paw mid-air