Tuesday, June 26, 2012


As the sun insinuates its presence
we cut through cornfields called milpa by local farmers
following our guide whose machete devours
intrusive vegetation that is not corn
to reach the water source which is to become
the base for a new water system

We are the modernizers who came
from civilization headquarters to improve
the quality of life of campesinos who managed
to quench their thirst for centuries
before we knew of their existence

Nevertheless they welcome
the system that will allow them water
without having to break their backs to transport it
to wash the few clothes they own
to bathe their children —
dirt not being their main problem

They will learn how to care for the system
how much to charge for monthly fees
what is fair what is not what is justifiable

They will be more civilized
They will beat their wives more often
for these don’t have the excuse
for dinner being late because of having
to fetch water at the spring
Once they take us above the milpa

They will have more free time
to mingle and drink in the town’s cantinas
for they don’t have to watch day and night
that their crops don’t get too dry
When they take us above the milpa

Published in Untamed Ink No 1